Established 1880
"We Are Not Programmed But Governed By The Holy Spirit"

Reverend Doctor Kevin L. Allen Sr. is the
pastor of Betholite Missionary Baptist Church of Magnolia, North
Carolina where he has faithfully served for ten years. Under his
pastoral care, Betholite Missionary Baptist Church has grown
spiritually and established a Men’s Fellowship, a Women’s
Fellowship, an Outreach Program, a Scholarship Fund, and various
youth targeted ministries. Dr. Allen is currently serving as the
Parliamentarian and as an instructor on the presbytery board for
the Middle District Missionary Baptist Association, where he
teaches church administration and ministerial ethics. He is
President of the James Kenan High School Advisory Board and has
previously hosted “Pastor’s Talk”, a radio talk show. He is also
a Member of the Duplin County Men Helping Men counseling and
mentoring program. Dr. Allen has attended The Shaw Divinity
School seminar extension course, New Life Bible Institute,
Arizona. He has earned the Doctor of Arts in Divinity from
Ashwood University, Humble Texas; with a distinction in the New
Dr. Allen served in the United States Marine Corps for twenty
years and rose to the rank of a First Sergeant (E-8) upon his
retirement. Dr. Allen is the son of the late Deacon Robert L.
Allen, former County Commissioner of Duplin County, and the late
Helen S. Allen of Magnolia, NC. He is also the grandson of the
late Lillie N. Savage.
Dr. Allen is also a devoted husband and father. He has been
married to the former Wanda Mathis for twenty-seven years. They
have three children; Kevin II, a member of the U. S. Navy; Kawan,
a graduate student at the University of North Carolina at
Wilmington and Kyrah, a student at Winston-Salem State
University, and a grandson: Kevin III. He and his family now
reside in Magnolia, NC.
Dr. Allen is fully committed to the cause of Christ, and he is
convinced that every person born has a God given purpose, and
Community Preacher & Teacher
Advisory Board Member
Former host of local talk show